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Training for Climbing von Eric Hörst

Literatur / Karten

CHF 20
Versand oder Abholung: CH - Basel-Stadt
Training for Climbing: The Definitive Guide to Improving Your Performance (How to Climb)
von Eric Hörst
Zustand: Neuwertig
Preis: 20 CHF, + Verpackung/Versand (2+7)
Standort: Basel

Vielseitiges Kletter-Trainingsbuch auf Englisch welches verschiedene Aspekte des Klettertrainings abdeckt:
Psysche, Körper, Ernährung, Technik, uvm.

Highly entertaining, idea-packed, and loaded with practical techniques and strategies, Training for Climbing presents a distillation of thirty years of experience and experimentation by accomplished veteran climber, renowned author, and performance coach Eric J. Horst. This is an illustrated, how-to guide, and the only one climbers will need.