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Breakfast at Britanniahutte at 6AM and depart afterwards. Went to the glacier (-100m) on powder snow. In the afternoon, the path from the hut, where people skied down was a bit icy.
Once on the glacier, rope up and start the tour (we were 2 skiers and 1 splitboarder). Super sunny and not cold at all. The lower part of the glacier had some really nice and unexpected powder (10+cm snow on Saturday night). Follow the trail and slowly but steadily go higher. There were a couple of poles to signal the beginning of the trail.
First we went at the right side of the glacier, then a bit left to avoid the big crevasses/seracs. Here there was solid ice but it was passable with care. There were a couple of hidden crevasses here, keep your eyes open.
Right before the Adlerpass, there is a large crevasse to cross but the snow-bridge held. Cross carefully and quickly this one.
At the Adlerpass, we decided NOT to go on the ridge, as it seemed full of ice and very exposed. Instead, we went on the steeper part at the left, with boot crampons on and carrying our skis/split up. It's a bit steep but it was fine with crampons on.
At the top of the Adlerpass, there is a large crevasse to cross but the snowbridge seemed solid. Cross this one quickly.
Once above the Adlerpass, we decided to leave out skis/split backpack there and walk up to the top (+180m). We saw some people we walked up and some people who went up and down on the skis.
On the way up to the summit, there are a couple of crevasses that we had to jump, but nothing too big. Maybe it's possible to go around them on the skis.
At the summit, there is a section with solid ice, but you can go around it and climb on the rock (easy rock climbing, good holds).
Then we went back down walking, to where we had left the skis/split. We descended still with boot crampons on (skiable if you are a good skier) and cross first the crevasse at the top of Adlerpass, then keep going down until we crossed the other crevasse at the bottom of Adlerpass.
Afterwards, we put the skis/split on and ski down carefully. The icy part was done very slowly, then came some hard-packed terrain, very irregular, full of places to trip, not so easy for a split.
Getting close to the hut, it gets flat and even a bit uphill, so the splitboarder had to skate.
Before the hut, the terrain goes up and down, until reaching the final part, where you have to climb again +100m to the hut.
Very nice tour but really long! Cannot imagine this walking...
Not so much snow this winter, a bit more like summer conditions.
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Letzte Änderung: 25.03.2022, 14:44Aufrufe: 1490 mal angezeigt

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Kartenmaterial Ergänzend:

Swisstopo 1328, 1329, 1348, 284 S,Swisstopo 1328, 1329, 1348, 284 S

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Strahlhorn (4190m)

Britanniahütte - Adlerpass - Strahlhorn

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